Oh Baby, We're Pregnant!

Pregnancy announcement for second child Minnesota photographer

I am so excited to officially announce that our little family is growing! We are expecting our second child this May! It was so fun to tell Vera that she is going to be a "big sister" (we are leaning heavily on Daniel Tiger episodes centered around Daniel and Baby Margaret). We gave her a "Big Sis" t-shirt, and some fun baby/big sis books and she will say "I'm gonna be a BIIIIGGGG helper!" (also from Daniel Tiger). It's crazy to think of our lives with two kids instead of just one, but we are so excited and know she really will be a great big sister. 

Now I'm pretty bad at keeping secrets, so it's been TOUGH to keep it real and share candidly on social media the last few months (and yes those cocktails on my recent sisters trip to Chicago were most definetly MOCKtails!), so I have been jotting down some things on how my first trimester went to share and remember! 

  • Coffee sounded so not appetizing and it was oh so sad (it was the same way when I was pregnant with Vera in the beginning). I'm sure the Starbucks app on my phone thought I fell off the face of the earth. I sincerely missed my mochas, PSLs, and my body missed that caffeine. Good news is that within the last few weeks I'm back to digging my indulgent coffee shop drinks (just in time for peppermint mochas, yay!)


  • I have been obsessed with juice. And fruity tea (I have NEVER been a tea drinker before in my life, so super random). I'm digging the very berry hibiscus (with lemonade instead of water) at Starbucks.


  • My cravings have been totally impulse. For example, I was watching a chick flick in bed one night and there was a scene where a couple was at a bar eating peanuts. I had to pause the movie and go find peanuts in my kitchen. I'm also easily convinced by commercials that advertise things I have never had or wanted but for some reason now look amazing, and in turn end up on my grocery list (hello FiberOne cheesecake bars?! Random.)


  • I was really obsessed with sandwiches (again, same as when I was preggo with Vera too). But this time Erbert's and gerbert's is like crack to me (hello, those guts?!)


  • Nausea was in full swing, and the earlier trimester brought about mornings that almost always began with gingerale and granola bars. I think it's hardest because I think I was just used to being hungry because I'm just a busy person (and I would eventually eat after looking after a toddler and running a biz), but now hungry like instantly equals nauseous.


  • Tired. Oh the first tri sleepiness. It's a real thing. Iv had a few nights where I crash early, and a few days where I have actually napped when Vera naps during the day (and I'm not a napper typically). The last few months have been crazy busy with fall sessions but I couldn't be more thankful of the timing that my wedding season wrapped up in September! And I think the fall sessions honestly kept my mind off not feeling 100%.

We are most definetly going to find out the gender (we are total planners and love finding out!) What do you think it will be?! I'm looking forward to this pregnancy being in the winter/spring months (Vera was a September baby, so I was 8 months pregnant in hot humid August). So bring on all the sweaters and leggings, I'm ready for 'em! 


-Mallory, Matt, Vera, & Baby K